Information security

IT infrastructure security (enterprise network, information systems, SCADA, CII, data center is an integral part of a business, as a famous saying goes: "He who owns the information, owns the world." We provide a full range of information security services. Our team includes both experienced architects, experts and aspiring information security specialists.

Computering infrastructure

IT infrastructure is the basis for ensuring the activities of companies. It supports business continuity, availability of key business applications and allows to organize secure storage and processing of data. BizKomm relies on modern approaches to creating a reliable IT infrastructure.

Network infrastructure

Network infrastructure

A modern corporate data transmission network is an intelligent environment that reflects the nature of information interaction within the framework of a company's business processes.

Multimedia systems

Multimedia systems

BizKomm creates and integrates information visualization systems, situational centers for all levels of management, conference rooms, meeting rooms and executive offices.

Engineering infrastructure of buildings and dc

Engineering infrastructure of buildings and dc

A wide range of BizKomm solutions allows you to create an engineering infrastructure that best meets the requirements of your business and operating conditions.